1. That boy is known to me.
Ans : I know that boy.
2. The dead body was removed from
the street.
Ans : Some one removed the dead body
from the street.
3. Rose is called the queen of flowers.
Ans : People call rose the queen of
4. The bridge was repaired
Ans : The workers repaired the bridge.
5. It will be published by him.
Ans : He will publish it.
6. The president is selected by the
Ans :The members select the president.
7. He was invited to the meeting.
Ans : They invited him to the meeting.
8. His address is not known to me.
Ans : I don't know his address.
9. A fine chair has been made by him.
Ans : He has made a fine chair.
10. English is spoken all over the world.
Ans : People speak English all over the
11. The answer must be written in ink.
Ans : You must write the answer in ink.
12. The chief is being caught by the
Ans : The police is catching the thief.
13. The thief will be caught by the
Ans: The policeman will catch the thief.
14. Let the boy be told to get in.
Ans : Tell the boy to get in.
15. They have been invited to the
Ans : We have invited them to the
16. He behaviour displeased me.
Ans : I was displeased at his behaviour.
17. I was invited to the party.
Ans : They invited me to the party.
18. The letters are being delivered by the
Ans : The postman is delivering the
19. A letter was being written by the girl.
Ans : The girl was writing a letter.
20. Letter are delivered in the morning.
Ans : The postman delivers letters in
the morning.
21. By whom was the letter posted?
Ans : Who did post the letter?
22. He was made captain of our class.
Ans : We made him captain of our
23. It is regretted very much that we shall
hear his voice no more.
Ans : We regret very much that we shall
hear his voice no more.
24. By whom was the window broken?
Ans : Who did break the window?
25. A letter was being written by Pinki.
Ans : Pinki was writing a letter.
26.My pen has been stolen.
Ans : Someone has stolen my pen.
27. The work had been done by him.
Ans : He had done the work.
28. The book will be read by me.
Ans : I shall read the book.
29. Accidents are caused by
Ans: Carelessness causes accidents.
30.We were satisfied at his behaviour.
Ans : His behaviour satisfied us.
31. Gandhi is called the father of the
Ans : People call Gandhi the father of
the nation.
32. I am loved by my parents.
Ans : My parents love me.
33. The work has been done by Rita.
Ans : Rita has done the work.
34. A story is being read by my teacher.
Ans : My teacher is reading a story.
35. The gentleman is known to me
Ans : I know the gentleman well.
36. People speak English all over the
Ans : English is spoken all over the
37. We have a lot of work to do.
Ans : A lot of work has to be done by
38. Might I use your phone?
Ans : Might your phone be used by me?
39. The president gave away the prize.
Ans : The prize was given away by the
40. The Principal presided over the
Ans : The meeting was presided over
by the Principal.
41. They asked the boy many
Ans : The boy was asked many
questions by them.
42. He does not know me.
Ans : I am not known to him.
43. I know your father well.
Ans : Your father is known well to me.
44. It is time to stop the war.
Ans : It is time the war to be stopped.
45. You must write the letter in ink.
Ans : The letter must be written in ink.
46. One should keep one's promise.
Ans : One's promise should be kept.
47. A thief has stolen his clothes.
Ans : His clothes has been stolen by a
48. They made me sing a song.
Ans : I was made sing a song by them.
49. Please enter by this door.
Ans :You are requested to enter by this
50. Mr. Saikia bought a new a car last
Ans :A new car was bought last month
by Mr. Saikia.
51. He was declared L.B.W.
Ans : The empire declared him L.B.W.
52. Do your duty at once.
Ans : Let your duty be done at once.
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